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Quote and Price Notifier

Quote and Price Notifier is a plugin that adds two main features to WooCommerce. These features allow eshop customers to passively watch product price modifications or actively contact the merchant with a request for quantity discount. When developing the plugin we made sure that its administration was intuitive even without prior study of the documentation.

VM Invoice

VM Invoice is component for automated generation PDF invoices and/or dispatch notes for your e-shop VirtueMart.  It enables to create PDF invoices, invoice generation based on order status change and settings for adjustable invoice appearance.

Book it

ARTIO Book it! is a reservation system which is adapted and made to measure everyone operating any kind of sports activity, wellness & fitness centres, accomodation, sports centres, hair saloons, bowling, massages, car rentals and many other services. 


ARTIO e-Ticket is e-ticket system for online electronic ticket sales and validation. The system is determined for all organizers of cultural, musical, sporting and other events and allows creating and designing tickets, online generation, direct downloads and on-site validation. All using just web browser on desktop PC or mobile device.


JoomDOC is Document Management System (DMS) that enables efficientlyupload, create, edit and organize documents so your users can browse and download or work with them easily. The system makes it easier to organize documents, offers remote access to information and their maximum availability and access settings for documents only to authorized users.


Animated and interactive JavaScript charts for CMS Joomla allow you create exciting JavaScript charts and easily integrate them into your Joomla sites. Component helps you add to website article unique charts and graphs that impress your customers.


JoomSEF is a popular component improving Joomla SEO (search engine optimization): rewrites original Joomla URLs to be search engine friendly (SEF) and human understable and also improves your overall Joomla site SEO rating.

GP Webpay

Payment extension for Global Payments Europe (PayMuzo). It enables to charge by credit card. The main advantage of the payment gateway WebPay is significant improve security of transactions for all involved parties, card holder, merchant and banks.


B2Sync is a special modul - connector for bridging between VirtueMart and accounting software. This tool can export VirtueMart orders and import them into accountancy SW as invoices or orders, update stock statuses in e-shop and many more...

GoPay payment module

Payment extension for GoPay. GoPay payment gateway provides access to a wide range of payment. Allows payment by credit card, online bank transfers, transfer payment, money orderas well as payments through SMS messages.


M-Turbo is a caching component for Magento e-stores that provides ultra fast response of the site and improves shopper experience.


ImageOption Magento extension ensures conversion images to webp format. Webp format brings you decrease size of the images so total website page will be significantly smaller and faster to load.