JoomSEF is a popular component improving Joomla SEO (search engine optimization): rewrites original Joomla URLs to be search engine friendly (SEF) and human understable and also improves your overall Joomla site SEO rating.
Having SEF URLs means more comfort for users and better ranking with search engines. Meta tags that also play important role can be autogenerated or entered manually (for all Joomla! URLs). JoomSEF fully supports UTF-8 and will work with non-latin URLs also. In cooperation with JoomFish, it supports URL translations and localization at multilingual sites.
- rewrites original Joomla! URLs to be Search Engine Friendly (SEF) and human understandable
- improves your overall Joomla site SEO rating
- meta tags management, with meta-data auto generation (supported components)
- support for UTF-8 URLs and URLs translations at multilingual sites using JoomFish
- fully customizable URLs, many configuration options for automatic URL generation
- customizable 404 page
- helps to handle 301 redirects, allows custom 301 redirect definitions
- duplicate URL prevention and management
- modularity - supports 3rd party modules
- Google Analytics connector
- and many more ...
Joomla Compatibility
JoomSEF 3 with Joomla 1.5 compatible
JoomSEF 4 with Joomla 2.5. and 3.x compatible.
Why is Joomla SEO Component Important? How to SEF URLs in Joomla?
Nowadays, SEO (search engine optimization) is a magic formula everyone uses. And there is a reason. Having clean, human readable and understandable URLs and suitable metadata will help you to attract more visitors to your site. Optimized URLs and metas are better evaluated by search engines and will help your website to appear at higher positions. Try this tool just now. Available in several editions and also in paid version, thanks to this you get advanced features for SEF URLs manage.